Who am I anyway? On any given day, who knows?

Ask my husband, my children, ask my golden retriever! I write to answer that question; to stop the ping pong balls bouncing around in my mind; to give myself something to hold on to, as stories continue percolating. I always believed as I came closer to each decade, marching toward the end of my life: 40’s, 50’s and now my 60’s surely, I would have all the answers. This is what I know: the third chapter of life is the sweetest; I am a work in progress. I am trying to write for the universal. I write because the spoken word, too often, fails me.

  • B.A. in English Literature Radford University, 1977.

  • Masters in Education, California Lutheran University, 1990

  • Born in the middle of the century in the middle of the country, i.e. Midwestern girl at heart.

  • I live in Santa Barbara with my husband and demanding dog.

  • We spend summers in our log house in Montana, where our closest neighbors are elk, moose and the occasional bear.

  • I am a doting grandmother of eight brilliant and talented grandchildren.

  • Sitting still is challenging. I’d rather be outside bicycling, playing pickle ball, or hiking.

  • Dance This Poem

    Published in
    Move Me Poetry

  • Who Is This Man

    Published in
    Crow’s Feet

  • All Gone

    Published in
    Move Me Poetry

“July 1969, a man walking on the moon was a small thing compared to the revolutionary changes I was experiencing that summer. For a 13 year old girl from the Midwest, it was a giant leap.”