Who am I anyway? On any given day, who knows?
Ask my husband, my children, ask my golden retriever! I write to answer that question; to stop the ping pong balls bouncing around in my mind; to give myself something to hold on to, as stories continue percolating. I always believed as I came closer to each decade, marching toward the end of my life: 40’s, 50’s and now my 60’s surely, I would have all the answers. This is what I know: the third chapter of life is the sweetest; I am a work in progress. I am trying to write for the universal. I write because the spoken word, too often, fails me.
B.A. in English Literature Radford University, 1977.
Masters in Education, California Lutheran University, 1990
Born in the middle of the century in the middle of the country, i.e. Midwestern girl at heart.
I live in Santa Barbara with my husband and demanding dog.
We spend summers in our log house in Montana, where our closest neighbors are elk, moose and the occasional bear.
I am a doting grandmother of eight brilliant and talented grandchildren.
Sitting still is challenging. I’d rather be outside bicycling, playing pickle ball, or hiking.
Dance This Poem
Published in
Move Me Poetry -
Who Is This Man
Published in
Crow’s Feet -
All Gone
Published in
Move Me Poetry